Jeff Pickett, Media by JP
The Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire is proud to announce the Home Building Industry Award Winners. “Our annual awards program highlights top members from last year that have helped to make significant contributions to the association,” said Tom Jarding, 2021 Association President.

Housing Hall of Fame Inductee
Al Schoeneman, Schoeneman's Building Materials Center
Al’s longtime support of the association goes back to when he first served on the Board of Directors in 1975 and 1976. He received a Presidential Award in 2002 for his leadership role in the construction of the association’s new office building. He has also had very positive impacts on the association, home building industry and the community through his philanthropic ways, including donations to the association office, Ronald McDonald House on the Sanford campus, the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation and the Sioux Empire Friends of Affordable Housing.

Housing Hall of Fame Inductee
Candice Menke, Black Hills Federal Credit Union
Candice has been highly involved for numerous years in not only the local association but also its state and national associations as well. She has served on the local board since 2012, the state board since 2007 and the national board since 2012. She was the local association’s Associate Member of the Year in 2006 and the state association’s Associate Member of the Year in both 2007 and 2019. She is also one of the association’s strongest membership recruiters as she holds over 200 Spike credits (a national recruitment tracking system).

Housing Hall of Fame Inductee
Paul Nelsen, Paul Nelsen Construction
Paul has served on the local board from 1997-2017, the state board in 1999 and from 2015-2019 and national board from 2002-2009 and 2010-2017. He was the local President in 2000 and state President in 2018. He chaired the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation board of trustees in 2008 and 2017. He played vital roles in construction of the Ronald McDonald House on the Sanford campus in 2008. He was the local Builder Member of the Year in 2001 and received the Presidential Award in 2009. In 2013, he received a national award for Builders Engaging Associate Members Award. He also was the state Builder Member of the year in 2019. He is a great membership recruiter with 289 Spike credits.

Builder Member of the Year
Craig Wynia, Red Rock Builders / Jeren Homes
Craig currently serves on the association’s Board of Directors, the Events Committee and Repair Affair Committee. He was also the association’s top membership recruiter in 2020 while it was also his first time ever recruiting a new member. He also served as the associations Fantasy Football league commissioner which involved keeping participating members actively involved over the course of many months.

Associate Member of the Year
Jerry Cook, Audio Video Integrations / Rehfeld's Art & Framing
Jerry has served on the association’s Board of Directors since 2015. He was the Associate Vice Presidential in 2018 and 2019, the Secretary in 2020 and is currently the Treasurer. He has also served on the Board of Trustees for the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation since 2019 and is currently the chairman of the Board. He is a member on the Member Services Committee and takes great pride in volunteering for numerous association functions including Repair Affair Day and various workforce development events.

Volunteer of the Year
Adam Balding, Budget Blinds
Adam’s positive attitude and willingness to step into help does not go unnoticed in the association. His behind-the-scenes efforts for various events including the Parade of Homes and Home Show are incredible. From assisting with sign assembly to taking tickets to event spokesperson, Adam’s volunteer efforts within the association are top notch. He currently serves on the Board of Directors in addition to the Parade of Homes Committee, Golf Classic Committee and Home Show Committee, which he was the Co-Vice Chair for the 2020 show.

Presidential Award
Michele Rislov, First Bank & Trust
In addition to serving on numerous committees within the association for many years, she was their Treasurer for 10 years. Her commitment and passion within the organization does not go unnoticed, which is why 2020 association President Braid Mair honored her with this award.

Presidential Award
Terry Konechne, Harrisburg School District
A longtime Builder member and past President of the association, Terry served the last two years as the instructor for the new Home Builders Academy within the Harrisburg School District. He played a vital role in creating this important staple training future builders in the community.